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This is currently being sold on DriveThruRPG. Why is it not available here?


Has development stopped on this one? I only heard about it today when listening to an old +1 Forward podcast. I'd love to back it or late pledge/preorder, but I can't seem to figure out how...


No rush, but I backed the Kickstarter and was wondering when our versions would be available? I like having an online backup available...

Thanks for a great game!


I love Once more into the Void. My session some while ago was a total blast.

I can't wait for the new version to become available. On KS I saw the PDF is sent to backers. Will this new version also become for owners of the previous version?

Ooh second this comment

Hi there, is this games original PDF is available somewhere?

My Kickstarter link did link the game to my Itch account. I can see "You own this game." at the top of the page, but the download page says "Nothing is available for Download yet."

Hello, yes! I'll fix this soon, thank you so much! As a backer you should have access to the latest version of the handouts too :) 

Is there a Discord or Reddit community for OMitV?

As far as I know, not yet! I am planning on putting together a Sword Queen Games discord server but it'll be quite some time before that's set up unfortunately.

Okie dokie, thanks for the info.

How do I get a copy of this game?


Hi Shawn!

I'm still working on the final version of Once More Into The Void, but if you'd like to pre-order it you can get it here:

I'll have to check with Jason if pre-orders immediately unlock the current itchio version, I'll get back to you about that :)

Hey! I'm super interested in the game! What's the status on the above question -- does the pre-order unlock the itch version? Or do I need to wait for the final release? <3

Oh please make this available for purchase as an addon for Roll20!

Oh! I've actually never thought about putting up something for Roll 20, I will definitely look into that ❤️👀✨ thank you so much!

The nice thing is that Roll20 has a store for folks and makes it fairly easy for people to find your game and to find people to play with online. I've just started diving into making Roll20 character sheets for a couple of friends and can report that there is quite a bunch of very nice example code and an active user community of people who are making character sheets. The html and css are fairly straightforward with only a few minor changes for dice rolling calls.

I listened as far as "Wouldn't it be great if you could play an RPG about [Star Trek: Picard]", before I simply went back to the game page and ordered it.

This feels really appropriate, I started thinking about making this game while watching the third episode of Picard and finished the game before the fifth episode came out 😭